Musikvideos von eurer Band!

Ich kann mit der Mucke nicht wirklich was anfangen, für mich (!) hat das nicht mehr viel mit Gesang zu tun 😉 Aber visuell ist das gut geworden 👍

Sind Sänger und Hexe ein Paar? 🤐👀😉
Bei euch sitzt Vetter Itt an den Drums? :D


Back in 2014 Definition Of Madmen invited a bunch of friends to the rehearsal room called The Bunker. The Bunker is an air raid shelter which was converted into an underground bar.
The idea was to make a live demo for promotion. Just play live in front of our friends. Some drinks. Lots of fun.
But we faced some technical challenges. There was a noise we couldn't eliminate. Each time the fridge switched on, we got a spike in the audio. And one of the three cameras appeared to have recorded only stills instead of video...
As a result we never bothered to use any of the footage.
But yesterday Mick Hup (lead guitars and lead vocals) managed to fix the spikes and noise. He mixed the audio and edited the video footage that survived several hard disk crashes.
Song: Common Sense
Band: Definition Of Madmen
Mick Hup :Guitar, Lead Vocal
Rob van den Broek: Bass, Vocal
Lars Koetsier: Guitar
Theo Outhuyse†: Drums.
Recorded & Filmed live at Buisje Bunker's place
#definitionofmadmen #commonsense #liverecording

Back in 2014 Definition Of Madmen invited a bunch of friends to the rehearsal room called The Bunker. The Bunker is an air raid shelter which was converted into an underground bar.
The idea was to make a live demo for promotion. Just play live in front of our friends. Some drinks. Lots of fun.
But we faced some technical challenges. There was a noise we couldn't eliminate. Each time the fridge switched on, we got a spike in the audio. And one of the three cameras appeared to have recorded only stills instead of video...
As a result we never bothered to use any of the footage.
But yesterday Mick Hup (lead guitars and lead vocals) managed to fix the spikes and noise. He mixed the audio and edited the video footage that survived several hard disk crashes.
Song: Common Sense
Band: Definition Of Madmen
Mick Hup :Guitar, Lead Vocal
Rob van den Broek: Bass, Vocal
Lars Koetsier: Guitar
Theo Outhuyse†: Drums.
Recorded & Filmed live at Buisje Bunker's place
#definitionofmadmen #commonsense #liverecording

Sehr nice :-)

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