Peavey Bässe

Thanks a lot kodiakblair!!
A friend was this Year in Scotland, he was impressed by the Country, People, Buildings and the Scottish accent :-)
Just taken these Tom. Size is identical on 5 string . I don't own a 6 string so cannot comment on that.
IMG_20170306_212031[1].jpg IMG_20170306_212115[1].jpg

With these the MIDI triggers are built into the frets,almost like on a keyboard. There's very little latency :-)

It is a very nice bass to play just bass on. Reminds me of later Foundations but with B-90 body cuts.

I used to own such a thing back in the early nineties.
It triggers really fast, but also has some downsides: some playing techniques like bending or sliding do not work, because the system expects you to pick a note whenever you change the fret you're playing at, and the signal of the magnetic pickups is not converted. It is just a combination of note + volume that is transmitted.
So if you play a new note, then you also have to make the string vibrate stronger than before. This is the reason why you may play hammer-ons and -offs, but you have to have very good control and assure that the new tones are "louder". Hammer-ons are obviously easier to trigger than the offs.

While I found the general concept of the Peavey Cyberbase very attractive, the combination of its downsides - along with my sloppy playing - let me sell the bass again ...

edit: typos
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You are limited to 8 step slides but it's 25 year old technology so limitations are to be expected. I do find the procedure for setting string velocity strange but again it's a product of its time.

Certainly it's easier to use than the Synthaxe or worse the Casio DG-10 :D
Well my brothers there has been a new arrival,two actually but only one of importance.
Back in 1991 Peavey put out the RJ-IV named after the Journey bass player Randy Jackson. it's a fret through neck design PJ with 3 band EQ and a Hipshot D-Tuner.

It plays and feels very like the Unity bass which it resembles a great deal.The EQ is quite strange in there are dip switches to select/boost various frequencies,the dip switches are located on the PCB behind the control cavity cover :-O Not an easy bass to find,It took me 5 months searching and 4 attempts before I got lucky. Randy Jackson being an unknown and the odd choice of colours can't have helped sales :D

Here she is :bier:
RJ 2.jpg RJ 3.jpg RJ IV.JPG

With the exception of a couple variations on the Axcelerator bass (Forum AX,Cyberbass) and the Collectors Jack Daniels/John Taylor Liberator basses there's now at least one example of every Peavey bass at Scotland's Home For Wayward Peaveys. Admission Free :D

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