Peavey Bässe

Spotted these over on TB. Fella going by the name Xs Speed owns them.

While I love the paint job on the Patriot, the Dyna wins for me.
Very Cool Peaveys.jpeg

Not too sure about his Foundation though.
Carved Foundation.jpg

In other news. My friend is still alive but asked me to leave after 5 minutes today:-(Doctors haven't got his morphine dose correct.
This Zephyr also joined the clan:-) Electrics are bust :-(So it's going active:bier:

Not much visual change to the Zephyr.

I removed the pickups and replaced them with 2 jazz singles (6.5ohm). Of course they didn't fit so covers were removed
and the bobbins cut down.:-O All part of the plan,I'd ordered 2 rosewood pickup covers:D Next the electrics got replaced
by a 2 band EQ,came with pre-wired pots,battery box and jack socket £6 on eBay :bier: No wiring drawing included B)

But it's only Vol,Blend, +/- Bass,+/- Treble so easy to figure out.
No router to cut battery space - lovely hard wood took edge off chisel
pickups needed packed to stay in position.

Made a TR cover from American black walnut and will do the cavity cover the same.

Total outlay including bass £127. Very happy with results
Zephyr Rosewood.jpg Zephyr 2.jpg
Made another change to the Zephyr 5. I was getting a huge difference in volume between the neck and bridge pickups.
Bridge output was down 25%. Despite altering the pickup heights it never really improved so I decided to swap the bridge pickup.

Thinking that perhaps the pole pieces weren't lining up I looked at blades and this Warman branded humbucker was ideal.

Even better was it fitted the rosewood cover perfectly.Only the plastic cover needed removing.
Zephyr pickups (1).jpg

As the Zephyr,Grind and International models all share the same pickups this could be of interest to any owners planning a change.
At £17 per pickup and £6 for the rosewood covers it's a very cheap way to go. The covers came from this eBay seller,they are in China
so delivery is around 2 weeks.

The different pickups can be seen here

Zephyr pickups (2).jpg
It's been a while brothers but you'll be glad to know Peavey still
rules my heart
over-rules my brain
and over-runs my house :-)

An unexpected Palaedium model came up for sale in England.
Palaedium (1).jpg
Designed with help from Jeff Berlin. If this early model is anything to go by the Cort Jeff Berlin basses will be outstanding.

Next is this USA Millennium.
USA Millennium.jpg
I've mixed feelings about this bass :O! For a number of years I've heard great things about them but was happy enough with my BXP models.
Millennium Purple.jpg Millennium2 (2).jpg
So what does 3x the price get you ? 35" scale,is it really needed on a 4 string ? Variable Mid pot, again not really needed. Plenty basses play great without it.
OK so it's the higher quality hardware and wood then :rolleyes: Yes it's a very nice bass but comparing the BXP AC models to it has me thinking the BXPs are fantastic value and great basses.

Another I'm not convinced by is the USA Grind
Grind USA.jpg
I prefer the Vietnamese BXP model, the build quality feels higher and some thought appears to have been given to design.
Grind 3.jpg
The USA Grind strikes me as something just churned out. Only my personal opinion of course.

Things picked up pace on the next 2. TL-5 designed with American bass player Tim Landers and a Unity bass.
TL 5 Unity.jpg
The Unity came from a luthier in a tiny town outside of Nashville with the wonderful name of Moonshine Guitars.He was the fella who restored the Paul
Tutmarc bass,you know the 1st solidbody electric bass built in the 30's. May just be a passive through neck Dyna bass but Boy does it play sweet:-)
The TL-5 is a 2nd gen so has VFLs instead of Ferrites and has the most beautiful flamed maple body and neck. I wished my skills with a camera were
better.Very flat feeling neck,radius is 15" and being a 5 string helps with my terrible floating thumb technique.

Coming to the end of this marathon post,on my only 2 days off in the last 8 weeks so trying to fit everything in.

Had been trying to find a Dyna/Unity Series bass but the shop in America wouldn't ship to Europe :(! When I got around to asking for help it had been sold :(!
Lucky for me I'd asked a former engineer from Peavey and he was planning a serious mod. The saying "it's not what you know but who you know " was true in this
case and a Dyna/Unity made it's way from Meridian :-)
Dyna Unity.jpg
The midnight blue doesn't photograph well and as you can imagine the set up was second to none.This had been a project bass and had Duncan Basslines
fitted,not my favourite pickups but I've gotta say they worked great with the Dyna preamp. Here's the serious mod the fella was planning.
T-40 FIVE-Sunburst 2-3_zpsjetpoyuo.JPG
5 string T-40 !! very cool

Last up is the Foundation S
Foundation S.jpg
I'd heard an American complaining about the bridge on these,couldn't get a low action he said. Rubbish.this shipped from a used music shop in Colorado
with a very acceptable 1.25mm - 1.5mm action and 3mm left on the grub screws. Fella can't have known how to use the next tilt. Schaller built the PJ
pickups for Peavey and they are modeled on Dimarzios. I'll take this over my B-90 with Seymour Duncans.

Before I start packing for Mondays' job. Has anybody played the Milestone 4 ? Young fella at work wanted to learn bass and I picked one up for him cheap (£80 with amp). Only had a short time with it but thought it was a really nice starter bass.

My apologises again for the long post.
The Unity came from a luthier in a tiny town outside of Nashville with the wonderful name of Moonshine Guitars.He was the fella who restored the Paul Tutmarc bass,you know the 1st solidbody electric bass built in the 30's.
:O! Great! Really never heard about this. But I will get more infos on this one for sure, very interesting.
Thanks, kodi!

:O! Great! Really never heard about this. But I will get more infos on this one for sure, very interesting.
Thanks, kodi!

Here's a page by his son,

And a couple of Talkbass threads,sadly he takes some flack from Fender fans in these threads. They forget there was a huge leap in technology from
1933 to 1951.Also a huge leap in peoples awareness of electric instruments, talking to a 30s double bass player about electric bass would be like the
hula-hoop in Hudsucker Proxy.:D

Happy reading us

The job is finished for this year so the Peavey population grows :-)

I think I mentioned before that I've failed to find a tone I like on the Sarzo bass. Yes I really should apply myself as it plays so well but with all these
other distractions it's easier to say "I'll come back to it " then don't.

Well I don't have that trouble with the other Sarzo bass, the RSB . Rudys' endorsement deal was ending when these were released and by all accounts
he had no input regarding the design. There was 2 versions of this all maple neck/poplar body & maple/pau ferro neck with Koa body. 12" radius 24 fret neck,
2 active VFL humbuckers but strangely it has a passive tone pot.
RSB bass.jpg

This Void PXD turned up on eBay. It was missing both the bridge pickup and the control cover, For £70 delivered how could I resist :-)
Spare pickup from the Zephyr dropped right in, with just 3 drops of solder and a new battery it was playing great.
Maple through neck with basswood wings it's very light but that shape should cause it to neck dive. Not the case at all,with the 75mm straps
I've been using it stays in place perfectly. The Cirrus preamp is no longer available from the Peavey spares dept,both the Tragic and Void basses
come with the Cirrus preamp making this a fantastic bargain.
6 weeks is a long time but I've been busy. While seeking a Yamaha for a friend I stumbled upon this PXD Tragic in stealth black to compliment the white PXD Void.
A weird take on the Tbird shape I'm actually blown away by this bass. It balances well,has a wide-ish but shallow neck and sounds lovely with the stock Cirrus preamp.
PXD Tragic.jpg

Bloody awful finish to photograph :-)

Then last weekend I travelled down to Wales and collected this Peavey midibase

This fella followed on from Wal's late 80's MIDI bass. Same tech. Was involved in a car crash driving home from Wales so have had little time with it. I've zero experience with MIDI and think this beyond me. I've only calibrated the pickups. You get dual output, standard bass and either mono or stereo MIDI,I'm running both through a mixer. The Welsh fella included a Peavey Spectrum DPM unit though I've an old Roland Sound Canvas which I can barely operate.

Regards from Scotland's Peavey Palace
Hallo Leute, ich habe eine Bitte an Euch. Ich besitze einen Cirrus 6 USA bei dem die Abdeckplatte von der Trussrod Schraube fehlt. Könnte mal einer von Euch, der so einen Bass besitzt, diese Abdeckung abschrauben, auf ein weißes Blatt legen und dann mit einem spitzen Bleistift vorsichtig umrunden (incl. anzeichnen der Schraubenlöcher). Ganz prima wäre noch, wenn Ihr die Platte genau messt (Länge u.Breite auf 1/2 Milimeter) und mir die Maße mitteilt. Ich kann Sie dann in meinem CAD Programm genau skalieren. Bitte stellt mir dazu ein Foto (Handy und scharf genügt) hier als Antwort ein. Sinn der Sache: Ich werde mir diese Abdeckung dann selbst anfertigen oder anfertigen lassen! Vorab lieben Dank an Euch! ....und wenn jemand so eine Abdeckplatte noch übrig haben sollte (ich schließe das mal aus) dann bitte melden. :kaffee:
Then last weekend I travelled down to Wales and collected this Peavey midibase
Anhang anzeigen 122395
This fella followed on from Wal's late 80's MIDI bass. Same tech. Was involved in a car crash driving home from Wales so have had little time with it. I've zero experience with MIDI and think this beyond me. I've only calibrated the pickups. You get dual output, standard bass and either mono or stereo MIDI,I'm running both through a mixer. The Welsh fella included a Peavey Spectrum DPM unit though I've an old Roland Sound Canvas which I can barely operate.

Beautiful Bass !!
Does Midi works well?

when you want portable: Roland Pma-5 is a Handy Version from Sound Canvas it works with Batteries and you can buy on Amazon a usb-Plug.
You can also use a old Apple iPhone 1 with a Soundfontplayer-App, Canvas Soundfont and Midi-Connector
Beautiful Bass !!
Does Midi works well?

Not so well with the Sound Canvas but I think that's down to me being dumb and not setting correct MIDI channels.

when you want portable: Roland Pma-5 is a Handy Version from Sound Canvas it works with Batteries and you can buy on Amazon a usb-Plug.

Added the Roland Pma-5 to eBay saved search. Thanks for the suggestion.

You can also use a old Apple iPhone 1 with a Soundfontplayer-App, Canvas Soundfont and Midi-Connector

Another saved search added to eBay :bier:

I really appreciate you taking time to reply. The setup and controls took some getting used to but I've no experience so to be expected. I've calibrated the neck but still have velocity ? to correct. Slowly but surely I'll understand this thing.
Midi is old and tricky sometimes not easy to use.
I read somewhere a Midi-Bass Guitar is very tricky, to transform Low Frequencies into a Midisignal
With or without Midi you have a white Peavey Beauty :-)

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