Peavey Bässe

Yes, this sure makes sense. So this is called parametric mids.

You are able to boost or cut just the mids you want to. Nice feature, today common on many active basses like my (sold) Ibanez K5.
Myself, the cat and the Peaveys moved home recently. Once we got settled I added a B-Quad that's now sporting my favoured RS Nexus strings.
B Quad (2).jpg B Quad (1).jpg

Time for a family photo:bier:
Peavey Family (5).jpg

Had an email on Thursday regarding Peavey basses so started to explain the great deal to the cat.

As you can see He couldn't have cared less :D

The email came from a fella I'd tried to dissuade from selling his Peaveys last month but he's a committed Fender player and offered
me a great deal. The Cirrus custom shop was New Old Stock and adds some refinement to the USA Cirrus.Mostly this is cosmetic like
bird's eye maple neck,quilted top, abalone dots and rosewood TR/cavity covers. It does however come with the Millennium preamp
so variable mids are available. This week I'll string both the USA and CS with Roto Nexus and will A/B them

There was also an 84 T-40 in tobacco burst. He'd recently purchased this in mint condition from London's Bass Gallery,it really is flawless
and is lightweight for a T-40 being less than 5Kg. Having never had the blade version of the T-40 again I'm interested to A/B it with a 78
model .
Quilted Cirrus.jpg
Cirrus neck.jpg
Tobacco 40.jpg

Also swapped the BBOT bridge,tuners and tidied the wiring on the Zodiac DE. I wonder though if it can still be called a Zodiac ?
The headstock was broken so a Millennium neck was fitted,Duncan Basslines were replaced for louder Entwistle Neos. That just
leaves the body and scratchplate.

Not the easiet thing to photograph sorry

That's all from a busy Peavey week in Scotland.
It's happened again :O!

Another unplanned Peavey.

On Sunday night a good friend called with some bad news, terminal cancer and less than 3 months to live. This was bad enough but something he said
struck a chord. He recently fixed up his 2 motorcycles and we are experiencing unusually good weather in Scotland,sadly he's too sick to enjoy his bikes
in the short time left.

Having an almost complete Peavey collection I don't want to run out of time before it's finished. I'd been looking for an Axecelerator but hit some problems,
GC won't ship used goods overseas,my cousin in America can't be bothered to purchase one for me and a recent one on felt like a scam !

Well on Sunday member @jogi68 came to the rescue:D He had a lovely purple 5 string for sale and was happy to ship to Scotland :great:
So Scotland's Peavey clan has a new brother. Managed about a half hour and I'm impressed,don't normally play 5 strings but the Wilkinson adjustable
bridge will help if I struggle with string spacing.

Enough yakking here's the photos :bier:

Axcelerator 5 (2).jpg
Axcelerator 5 (3).jpg

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