Peavey Bässe

Patriot,Millennium BXP,Millennium USA Patriot-Millennium-BXP-Millennium.gif
Rudy Sarzo,Resolite,TL-5Sarzo-Resolite-TL-5.gif
T-20,some midget 6 string thing,T-45T20-SC-2-T45.gif
78 T-40,81 T-40 wth blades,79 T-40T-40s.gif
Void PXD,Zephyr 5,Tragic PXDVoid-Zephyr-Tragic.gif
Zodiac DE Scorpio wth Entwistle Neos,Zodiac EXP,Zodiac DE ScorpioZodiac-DE-Zodiac-EXP-Zodiac-DE.gif

Can't help myself :D Korean Furys come in II,IV and V flavours and were among the last basses Mike Powers (RIP) designed. I'd been holding on for one of the pretty quilted top models but things have been quiet in Scotland :-(

This graphite grey arrived on Tuesday.
Fury II (2).JPG

With the pickup placement and 3 band EQ I was hoping it would be like the G-bass or Forum. If it had an 18v preamp instead of 9v I think it would.Can't fault the build or finish,neck is good. Bass is very light.

130euro well spent :bier:
Why postcard? Is there something to win, actually? ;-)

Again, nice collection! Its a shame I didn't dig them Peaveys earlier, because my flock is at a point where I can't start to collect another brand. Would double the ammount of basses - and lead to the question: Who for Croms balls is about to stay in my flat, me or the basses. No room for all of us. ;-) :D

Sakrileg !!!!!!!!
Ein T40 hat 4 Saiten zu haben - das ist eine plumpe Chinagurke . . . :zyklop:
. . . oder die Laubsägearbeit eines Wahnsinnigen.
Well, this is not fair!

It just looks as it should be a 5-banger. ;-)

Btw., 16mm are a bit too narrow for me. I need 17,5 mm string spacing (as on my Stingray 5ers) at last! No problem dealing with 5-bangers that have 19 mm string spacing as my Vychodil P5.
Sorry @Kong
It was a sneaky trick :DSadly the string spacing is set by the huge bridge and it being a 4 string neck. 17.5mm would have strings off the fretboard.
Previous owner had attempted the 5 string work but had made a mess of it :-O When I got it on Tuesday it was back to 4 strings except for a huge hole drillled in the headstock :-( I had the choice of throwing the neck away or doing a better job converting to 5 strings.
@kodiakblair: You did a nice job, though. :claphands:

As I sayd before, it looks like it has to be that way. Brilliant! Even better, if you can deal with the narrow string spacing. :great:

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