Many weeks have passed with no Peavey talk

Yesterday I experienced enough Peavey to keep me talking for months

An English lady crossed the border and brought some of her Peaveys. A 1st generation TL-5, Dyna/Unity Koa, Axcelerator 4 and her secret weapon. A TC Electric 450 head travelled with her too.
First thing I must say is the TC head is great,it's one I'll be looking for. The Axcel 4 was impressive,very clear and defined notes. Gillian prefers the Axcel 5 but then she is a 5 string player,it was the opposite for me. Even with a skinny neck the 4 string was more to my taste.
The Koa Dyna/Unity sounded wonderful. My black Dyna/Unity has SD Basslines,the Koa had stock pickups but we both thought the Koa sounded better. This could be a visual/mental effect
Last month my feeling for Super Ferrite pickups wasn't strong,this week I've been favouring SF's. 1st generation TL-5s came with SF's. I was in heaven. Perhaps this was down to the TC head and spending a little time on EQ. The low B was clear deep and had weight.
Lastly the "secret weapon". This was an Indonesian Cirrus 5'er, unlike most I've saw it had a satin finish opposed to the gloss. Played against a couple of USA models, opinion was it looked like a Cirrus,sounded like a Cirrus, it was a Cirrus
Gillian had bought it that morning for £190

Stupid little money for such a fine bass.
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