P Bass 51er Pickup?

Ich hatte 2017 für meinen HB einen Nordstrand Doppelspuler in Singlecoil-Format bei Andy Kristall gekauft, der war sehr geil, kostete damals aber auch schon 129.- Euro.
Leider habe ich den nicht wieder ausgebaut als ich den Bass verkauft habe, ärgert mich, da die scheinbar inzwischen nicht mehr so einfach zu kriegen sind...
Who has experience with this?

From my own experience of owning 13 single coil/51 P-basses and trying 20 different pickups.

I liked the Duncan SCPB-1 though it had quite low output, I did not like the SCPB-2. The Roswell was fine, it and Duncan SCPB-3 share the same alnico pole pieces so have a similar attack; the Duncan high wire count loses Mids. The Wilkinson single coil found in PB-50s until 2018 is a very good pickup, look for one used. For a 'vintage' tone look to eBay, various Chinese sellers offer a low wire count (6.7k ohm) alnico 5 priced just €12. Years back I posted clips of 7 different 51 single coils on TalkBass, I use solderless looms so it was easy to swap pickup between recording the clips, then asked the "experts" there which one was recorded with the Chinese pickup. 80% answered wrongly :rofl:

Hum-cancelling, be it stacked or split, cost you the aggressive edge of a true single coil. Think of it as a polite solution though as 'hum' is rarely heard over drums/guitars/keys is there really a problem in need of solving ? Sadly my 29.9k ohm custom was not the "Mudbucker" I hoped for 😐

The Herrick Quad coil interested me though I found little benefit after installing it, an opinion shared by a fellow player who borrowed it. Another PB-50 owner told me the £105 he spent on the Fralin was a waste of money, he preferred the original Wilkinson. The offering from Lollar was another I considered, dropped the idea after watching the same one change hands 3 times in as many months through Basschat classifieds.

Things which will bring the greatest change to your sound are playing position and the strings you choose.
Ich habe kürzlich den PB 50 von HB bei der Probe dabei gehabt. Ich muss sagen, das Ding klingt Hammer. Ich muss den Pickup garnicht tauschen. Der klingt von Haus aus sehr gut. Ich bin erstaunt über diesen "Budget" Bass für 119 Euro.
Ich habe den gebraucht von einem Typen gekauft, der die Dinger bearbeitet und daraus ein gelungenen Bass im Relicstyle macht.

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