Sammelbestellung Dexter's Preamp (Alembic F2B Clone)

Jetzt habt ihr mich ja ganz schön angefixt :lechz:.

Habe ich es richtig verstanden,
1. dass Dexter den Preamp jetzt mit den Mods baut (als Dipswitches im Inneren), also die meiner Meinung nach sehr sinnvollen Vorschläge der Nutzer aufgenommen hat?
2. dass Willie ist in der Lage in die bisherigen Preamps ebenfalls die Mods einzubauen (wenn man höflich fragt), macht sie aber von außen schaltbar? Stimmt das? Das fände ich ja noch cooler :bier:
@SVK indeed :-) MKI-V2 will have the following mods (that are avialable via DIP Switches (too many switches on the outside ... and it's quite bad for the design ...i have to think of that :-( too )
- input pad attenuation -6db
- deep switch
- high cut(shift) switch
- bright switch
- 20db output pad

The Preamp MK-II ... will have way more features :-) that includes an HPF (20-200Hz) / Balanced Output ...and some more :-)
Soon there will be also a very very limited run (10 max 15pcs) of let's call it a special edition (@f_luxus and @lila_vila already know about it) - but more about that soon (preorders can be made after i will finish all the necessary steps)


Jetzt habt ihr mich ja ganz schön angefixt :lechz:.

Habe ich es richtig verstanden,
1. dass Dexter den Preamp jetzt mit den Mods baut (als Dipswitches im Inneren), also die meiner Meinung nach sehr sinnvollen Vorschläge der Nutzer aufgenommen hat?
2. dass Willie ist in der Lage in die bisherigen Preamps ebenfalls die Mods einzubauen (wenn man höflich fragt), macht sie aber von außen schaltbar? Stimmt das? Das fände ich ja noch cooler
that's great, MKI -V2 is exactly what I need - to be honest, I don't need anything (got too much equipment anyway), but I'd love to have it :bier:.
Is it possible to run the preamp into a power amp directly? Because that's what I would do with the Alembic F2B - and I'd like to come close to that sound.

Is the MK-II still inspired by the Fender Showman an the Alembic or will it move away from that sound?

Thanks for all your effort
@SVK - the output of the preamp without pad (max. volume and gain before clipping) is 120Vpp :-) so basically it can overdrive literally any know power amp and truth be told that was made for, to be run directly into a poweramp tube or solidstate.
The MK-II will keep the same sound and base but will have some features added, so soundwize will be the same (of course will be less hot in terms of output swing because a HPF and a DI output can't cope with 120Vpp :-) so a degree of attenuation is needed).
And at last but not at least, not an effort at all, it's quite a pleasure.
@DeXTeR, Thank you. The DI output would make it even more suitable for me. When will the MK-II be available?
Greets from Germany

noch nachträglich, recht herzlichen Dank für den Poki :-)

Die MKI-V2 Version wird sehr viele, grundlegende Ansprüche gut abdecken.

Bin schon sehr gespannt auf die MKII Version die der Dex gerade in der "Mache" hat :great::great::great:
Bei der Mk II Version wäre ich auch bei einer Sammelbestellung dabei.
Das ist ja eine sehr coole Sache, zeigt aber auch, wie schwierig es wohl für DeXTeR ist, seine Produkte sicher zu verschicken (und grenzt die Verbreitung dadurch ziemlich ein). Ich kenne mich da leider gar nicht aus, aber: ist es theoretisch möglich / sinnvoll / wirtschaftlich ... eine Art Vertrieb (mir fällt da z.B. die Effekt Boutique ein) für D/Ö/Ch zu finden?
@SVK the problem is not about the difficulty of sending the products (last order that was sent to Felix was sent via an express service and arrived quite fast (next week if i remember well)).
The "problem" is the fact that everything is made by me ...and i mean everything :-)
Right now, for example, the first run of PCBs for MK-I (Ver.2) entered RO on 24th of September and are still in customs (the first run will have only 5pcs) and yes it would be much more easier for me to have a... 10-15pcs order but, from the time point of view it will take me almost the same time because i don't like to externalize the process (various reasons) and i like to be more in the boutique / small run area - mass production was never a goal for me, but i'm opened to any suggestion that you guys might have.
The "problem" is the fact that everything is made by me ...and i mean everything :-)

Oh, I see. Well, in this case my suggestion is not very helpful.
Personally, I like to buy stuff from small companies, were "handmade" really means "made by two hands". Maybe f_luxus is going to arrange another big order for the Mk II as well.
All the best to you

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