Sammelbestellung Dexter's Preamp (Alembic F2B Clone)

The original Fender / Marshall amps are using 10K to 25K as a MID pot.
The question is this: would you like it like it is now or would you like it with a 10K MID pot (that would take the grit a little bit as the loss would be bigger in the tonestack)
Thank you for taking the time to read this and answering.

Would it be possible to select the three options (10k 25k 250k) for the pot with a switch, or can it only be done with a fixed pot?
Pfiuu had some trouble with the translation :D but all good now (a friend of mine speaks German :D )

@goldbass yes it would be possible but not in the MK-1/V2 because there is not enough space for another pot, also some small problems can arise from the fact that for a moment the MID pot will be out of the circuit (this mod can be made via a 3PDT switch) ...but having 2 MID controls would be a little bit ... redundant, although a 200K resistor can be added in series with the pot and this way a bigger pot can be simulated, of course the travel of the pot will not be as to a 250K pot but would be quite in the ballpark and would not put the pot out of the circuit (which would be translated into a big pop when you are switching between 2 pots).
A 3 value pot would be quite impossible (at least at this point i'm not seeing a viable solution except switching)
@Tommes - an 19" rack version can be made but at this point only as a custom unit because there is not enough request for rack units and would cost quite a lot to keep 5-10 units on stock :-(
@f_luxus =)) =)) =)) this is something i would like to avoid :-)) :-)) :-))
@Willie excellent! I do like a lot when someone is doing mods on some of my equipment, that at lest in my opinion says that "It's at least a decent product that i would like it tailored on my personal taste" - please keep us updated.

This is the last iteration on the MK-I /V2 preamp :-)
I've also added the deepswitch inside as by request from @Willie, so along with the other features, a deep mode will also be avialable (so basically 6 mods are available via dip-switches inside... we have 4 more and we will have 10)
Until the PCBs will arrive from the manufacturer ...i had a little bit of time to finish the ParaBoost (parametric Booster)
It has a parametric EQ section with Cut/Boost, Freq. and Q and a clean boost section with aprox. 20db of boost (a little bit more than 20db). And the boost section is the one that @f_luxus (Felix) is using.

Just finished my modifications, and they sound great.

Now I got an deep switch, which brings more base to the sound.
Then I made the bright cap switchable. And the last switch just activate another cap for the treble pot. This will emulate the bass input of the typical fender tube preamps.
So the next (and maybe the last) mod will be a true bypass...

Very very nice! For the treble cap did you put another cap in parallel with the existing one?
A bypass i dont think that there is enough room for that and would also imply some cuts on the PCB.
An external bypass box would be more usefull, i could draw you a diagram if you like.
Yes, just another 220pF and a 1M, so it don't pop. Same for the deep switch. 47nF and 1M.
Thanks, but no, I made already many of this. Maybe I try my new micro relay looper on this.

PS.: just correct the cap value for the deep switch.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
The ParaBoost parametric booster is a one band parametric EQ with a very linear (20Hz to 22KHz) boost.
Features controls for: Frequency, Cut/Boost (freq), Q and Boost.
This clip was recorded directly into the soundcard (M-Audio FastTrack) using the ParaBoost and Orange O-bass (4 strings / standard tuning).
The ParaBoost was set for various frequencies for cut/boost and Q and in the part of the clip the Booster was set at aprox. 11 o'clock.
At the beginning and the end of the clip The ParaBoost was on bypass.
This unit is the prototype and first of its kind.
PS: Please excuse my playing skills ... I'm trying to become a better bass player (I do play guitar though)


Danke @Willie für´s Modden, das war echt nochmal ein Bringer! Echte Empfehlung an alle Beteiligten und natürlich @DeXTeR ! Geht nicht mehr sooo in die Zerre, was ich auch nicht brauche, aber klingt feeeett :lechz::great::rock:

Überreiche hiermit einen virtuellen Poki, habe leider nicht genug Bassix und für´s Lesen bekommt man hier ja nix ;-)

LG Clemens
Anhang anzeigen 163448

Danke @Willie für´s Modden, das war echt nochmal ein Bringer! Echte Empfehlung an alle Beteiligten und natürlich @DeXTeR ! Geht nicht mehr sooo in die Zerre, was ich auch nicht brauche, aber klingt feeeett :lechz::great::rock:

Überreiche hiermit einen virtuellen Poki, habe leider nicht genug Bassix und für´s Lesen bekommt man hier ja nix ;-)

LG Clemens
hab dir ma 10.000 Bassix rübergeschoben, jetzt dürfte es funktionieren ;-)

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