Sammelbestellung Dexter's Preamp (Alembic F2B Clone)

Yesterday i gave mine a short try. Its all about the mids. If you roll them down a bit, bass and treble come into action.
The tonestack of this preamp is very versatile. You can dial in earthshaking sub bass sounds and modern tones and inbetween. It brightens the tone up a bit, adds bass and makes the sound fat and shining.
I started with bass and treble rolled off and mids fully on.
That is correct regarding the Mids.
Being a substractive tonestack(like most of passive ones) the mids are always scooped.
Rolling down the mids a little bit will leave a lot more space (spectrum) for the treble and bass controls to move on.
In the i always said...building gear and making music is mostly like like it or you hate it.

Dear DeX,
which setting dialed in on the tonestack would be neutral?
Are the mids generally scooped or do you have to scoope the mids to dial in other tones?
The position of the mids-pot changes the frequency response of the treble- and Bass-pots, right?
The 3 band tonestack is by default a scooped freq. response filter.
You can however get an aprox. flat response by going all the way up with MID and TRBL and BASS to minimum.
In the following pictures i've simulated for a better understanding the freq. response (on the left side you ca see the values of the pots on a scale from 1 to 10 of the rotation)


Dear DeX,
which setting dialed in on the tonestack would be neutral?
Are the mids generally scooped or do you have to scoope the mids to dial in other tones?
The position of the mids-pot changes the frequency response of the treble- and Bass-pots, right?
Hi Dex,

thanks for the screenshots. You are using the tone stack calculator from here:

For anybody who like me is trying to figure out what settings you are using: I finally found out! One has to change the values of the Marshall preset to fit the values for the PREAMP to be seen in Dex's screenshots. I saved them fyi but I had to wrap the file into a zip to be able to upload it here. Just unzip it and open dexter.tsc in the tone stack calculator. You will have to clear the graph and potentially switch presets back and forth to see the new values in action.

Thomas (proud user of the PREAMP since 2016) :great:


    418 Bytes · Aufrufe: 190
Fine, one thing only, i thing the Alembic FB2 is based on the dual showman and is using something like the fender tonestack. I'm a little confused... :?:
Dual showman.png alembpre.png
That is correct @Willie - F2B is based on Fender Showman and indeed the TS is based on Fender TS :-) there is no secret about it :D even Alembic said that :D
Where is the confusion :D
The Marshall scheme in TSC is nearly the same compared to the one filed under the fender-tab.
So, ich war so neugierig, da hab ihn gestern doch noch getestet.
Aufbau: Tuner, Preamp, Return vom SWR.

Erster Eindruck: Flateinstellung vom alten vom Fender Bassman (Ist ja preamptechnisch identisch) jepp, klingt wie mein alter Bassman. Nur mir fehlt irgendwie das Lagerfeuer. :DDer Preamp ist m.M.n. extrem nebengeräusch arm. Ohne Signal hört man nix. :great:
Ich hab es auch nicht geschafft, egal wie ich rum gedreht habe, dem Preamp ein fieses Geräusch/Sound zu entlocken, egal ob passiv oder aktiv. :great:
Nach 2 Stunden wurde der Preamp etwa handwarm. :great:
Ich rum gedadelt ohne Ende, allerdings nur mit meinem Dingwall, dafür aber sowohl passiv wie aktiv. Es klingt einfach immer gut vintage. So hab ich das erwartet. :great:
Ich krieg ihn auch gut leicht angeknuspert mit meinem aktiven DW. :great:
Dann hab ich das ganze mal gegen den Preamp von meinem SWR getestet.
Der Dexter ist deutlich mehr vintage.
Für moderne Sounds fehlen ihm allerdings die crispen Höhen, genau wie dem original und dem Bassman.

Sorry can't translate this in english, because of time.

If you fill in the 250kO of the DEX Preamp instead of the given 10kO at r4(mid) the graph rises to -5dB.
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Hi Dex,

thanks for the screenshots. You are using the tone stack calculator from here:

For anybody who like me is trying to figure out what settings you are using: I finally found out! One has to change the values of the Marshall preset to fit the values for the PREAMP to be seen in Dex's screenshots. I saved them fyi but I had to wrap the file into a zip to be able to upload it here. Just unzip it and open dexter.tsc in the tone stack calculator. You will have to clear the graph and potentially switch presets back and forth to see the new values in action.

Thomas (proud user of the PREAMP since 2016) :great:

Hi Thomas,

DeX has the Bass Pot set to LogA in his Graph, yours is set to linear. (maybe no big deal?)
@Willie - please modify the value for the MID pot to 250K (lin) and you will have the same response (there is a difference of less than 0.3db) :D (my mistake when i've choose the model) - basically is the same TS ... there is a difference on the behavior at the end of the travel for the MID pot.

There is no way i'm afraid to simulate the bright cap on this utility but there are other ways like PSpice or Labcenter Proteus.
So the simulation model is valid for both TS (Marshall and Fender) - because in the end are the same type of filters.

@Willie thank you for taking the time to write couple of words about it i do appreciate it very very much. That is no problem I've used Google Translate so it was all good. Also I'm very happy that you are pleased with the result.

DeX has the Bass Pot set to LogA in his Graph, yours is set to linear. (maybe no big deal?)

... my bad ... you're right.

Neahh not a problem at all

The TSC is a tool to get the idea of how a tone stack is working and how the three pots are influencing each another. The precise adjustment of the pots on the device has to be controlled by other tools ... usually preinstalled on both sides of your head.


    420 Bytes · Aufrufe: 195
Nachdem ich so ziemlich einer der ersten war, bei dem das Teil angekommen war, habe
ich jetzt erst die Zeit gefunden, mich eingehender damit zu beschäftigen.

Und ich muss sagen, dass es einen zwiegespaltenen Eindruck hinterlässt...

Während sich mein Alembic klasse mit dem Dexter verträgt, mögen sich der Status Kingbass und
der Dexter scheinbar überhaupt nicht. Es scheint schon so, als käme der Dexter mit dem enormen Output des Status nicht zurecht. Den Gain auf 8 Uhr gedreht und schon zerrt es.
Da habe ich wirklich sehr wenig Spiel.
Schnell mal den Bass wechseln ist da nicht.

Des Weiteren hätte man an einen abgewinkelten Stecker beim Netzteil denken können, wenn man sich schon für 12 Volt entscheidet. Oder die Buchse gleich auf die Seite verlagern sollen. Nimmt somit erstmal recht viel Platz auf dem Board in Anspruch.
-> Aber das ist sicher das geringste Problem.

Muss die nächsten Tage mal weiter testen und überlegen, ob ich ihn behalte.
@DeXter would it be possible to change the 12ax7 to at7 or au7 if i have Basses with enormous output to have more clean headroom?
Während sich mein Alembic klasse mit dem Dexter verträgt, mögen sich der Status Kingbass und
der Dexter scheinbar überhaupt nicht. Es scheint schon so, als käme der Dexter mit dem enormen Output des Status nicht zurecht. Den Gain auf 8 Uhr gedreht und schon zerrt es.
Da habe ich wirklich sehr wenig Spiel.
Schnell mal den Bass wechseln ist da nicht.
Ich löse das mit dem schnell mal den Bass wechseln in dem ich für meinen passiven Jazzbass einen Booster vorschalte.

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