Sammelbestellung Dexter's Preamp (Alembic F2B Clone)

Während sich mein Alembic klasse mit dem Dexter verträgt, mögen sich der Status Kingbass und
der Dexter scheinbar überhaupt nicht. Es scheint schon so, als käme der Dexter mit dem enormen Output des Status nicht zurecht. Den Gain auf 8 Uhr gedreht und schon zerrt es.
Da habe ich wirklich sehr wenig Spiel.
Schnell mal den Bass wechseln ist da nicht.
Kannst du nicht am Status den Volume etwas runterdrehen, oder wird dein Signal dann schlecht?
@BiBaBass - hmmm that is quite strange and the bass output should be quite enormous.
Usually there is no problem with the active basses.
If i remember well Felix had a problem after a while with the headroom and could be because of the tube - if you like i could send you another 12ax7/ecc83 and change it.
The problem is the fact that you dont have enough headroom?
If you have another ecc83 you can change it and see if there is any improvment...usually JJ are quite ok and linear but some do tend to have problems...but it was quite 1 in 50 pcs.

@f_luxus that i would not recommend as another type of tube would take more current and also a different polarisation than a ecc83.

Während sich mein Alembic klasse mit dem Dexter verträgt, mögen sich der Status Kingbass und
der Dexter scheinbar überhaupt nicht. Es scheint schon so, als käme der Dexter mit dem enormen Output des Status nicht zurecht

ich besitze auch einige Edelbässe mit Aktivelektronik, welche natürlich in der Lage sind Mörder-Outputs zu fahren.
Mein ALEMBIC und mein WAL hat für diese Anpassung eigens ein Trimmpoti in der Elektronik verbaut.

Im Gegensatz mein MM RAY oder mein G&L L2000 > da kommt von Haus aus ein sehr hoher Pegel raus >aber die vertragen sich sehr gut mit dem DEX Preamp.

Kann man an Deinem Status Bass den Output an der eingebauten Elektronik justieren ???
@BiBaBass - if you like, you can send me the preamp and modify it a little bit with your specific requests without any problems.
Adding a supplementary switch for pad attenuation (also if it will arrive at my place i will add the bright switch also and i can also add an angle 2.1mm DC jack for your wallwart.
We can put the details on a PM if you like to.

Thank you for your great support, Dexter!
I will think about it.
The Preamp works really well with the Alembic. I`m going to check it out the next
few days.
@Lopez waw....that is some heavy line...didnt know it can be used like that hahahahha.
Thank you Lopez for taking the time to record it.

Hey @DeXTeR

Can I also go directly in a mixer or an input of an amp with the preamp when I hold the master volume (of the preamp) down?

- oder wer sonst noch mitliest, könnte ich mit dem Preamp auch direkt in ein Mischpult oder Input eines Amps ohne Effektschleife gehen, wenn ich den Master nur ganz wenig aufdrehe? -

Meine "Laien"-Erfahrung am Glockenklang Passenger:
Klingt am besten im Instrumenten-Eingang.
Bei den Einschleifwegen (Insert/Loop) hatte ich Höhen/Detailverluste und beim Poweramp-In ging das zwar, aber ich hab im Master (dann am Dexter) kaum Spielraum (maximal 8-9 Uhr) das war dann einfach zuviel Inputlevel.

@clemens: wenn du eine -10db absenkung für aktive bässe am amp hast, kannst du auch da reingehen, dann hast du mehr spielraum mit dem volume beim dex.
You can also play with different settings for volume and gain knobs.
For guitar i put the gain a little bit down at 8-9 oclock and play with the volume.
Ive used this preamp to record directly in the sound card also to go directly into the mixer without any problems.

can you tell me, how the brightswitch mod will affect the tonestack and how it will change the soundwise possibilities?

@lila_vila wrote, it would make the sound less trebly and more wooly. can the preamp produce a stronger compression with the brightcap turned off?
I played around with the tone stack: you can't upper the mids. As DeX said, the sound is always scooped, if you turn down the mids. If you lower the treble too, you get somehow the same effect like a passive tone control produces. The bass pot doesn't do much …
is there a way to get more mids or to make the bass cut more effective?
Soundwise I'm amazed, how tidy and sophisticated the tone gets. The pre really makes the tone richer and more present.
@goldbass the bright cap is mounted on the gain pot that would enable to keep a higher level of high freq. at lower gain settings.
Having it removed would allow the tone stack to have a more pronounced response on the spectrum and would make the tonestack to function on a more wider band.
And indeed a more compressed sound would be achievend because a more even spectrum would attack the 2nd stage.
More mids is not possible on a passive tone stack, a passive ts is a substractive one ...and there is no way to boost a certain span of freq. for that a parametric active eq would be needed.
Having the bright cap on a swich would allow a more wide control on bass and treble
That is the reason ive told Harald to make this mod.

i can imagine what comes up after a while of testing :-)
DEX Pre sounds very pristine and you wish > bah... can i increase more level of this lovely mids ???
As DEX mentioned & explained > all three tone controls are passiv, no way to boost something.
Maybe some small EQ pedal in front of the Preamp(e.g. BOSS GE 7) would produce additional mid punch.

All the best, Harald

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