Sammelbestellung Dexter's Preamp (Alembic F2B Clone)


congrats to your new born child. In October 2018 we got our third child. Amazing!
I whish you and your family a lot of fun and strenght...

But could you please take me off that list for the new version? My needs have changed in the last few months.
Thanks and keep up the good work!

congrats to your new born child. In October 2018 we got our third child. Amazing!
I whish you and your family a lot of fun and strenght...

But could you please take me off that list for the new version? My needs have changed in the last few months.
Thanks and keep up the good work!
Hej män, same here! I do not wanna cause a mass hysteria, but that's exactly what I was thinking in the past weeks. No # 13 for Stephan, sorry.
I don't know if you've seen my earlier post, Dexter: my needs also have changed, so please take me off that list.
by the way, congrats to your newborn! I've experienced the same 16 month ago and am as happy (and as tired) as possible every day!

Im Moment ist das schwierig, da der einen ähnlichen Kultstatus hat wie der fmc Preamp.8D
Ich könnte mir vorstellen, wenn dann der MK II kommt, werden ein paar MK I verkauft - brauchst halt etwas Geduld.;-)
Geduld war schon immer wichtig, wenn es um den Dex ging :D Allerdings könnte ich mir vorstellen dass Dexter selbst noch welche hat.
At this particular moment, a small batch of 20 preamps (V1 MK2) will be available so in case you are interested please let me know - this decision was made because of the need to finish the life time of the current version.
The price will be the same as now (200EUR +shipping) and in case a owner of the V1 MK2 would like to buy the V2 version will get a discount of 15%.

Einfach mal direkt bei @DeXTeR anfragen...
Ja Danke
da hab ich schon geguckt....
ist mir zum austesten zu teuer.
kann jemand denn mal etwas zum evt. Vergleich zum Gnome oder gGoliath von WR sagen?
Die hatte ich schon mal im Test
Ich hätte einen abzugeben. Habe ihn schon Monate nicht mehr in Gebrauch. Allerdings kam eben beim kurzen Anchecken kein brauchbares Signal raus, weswegen ich ihn nur an Bastler als defekt abgeben würde.:-/
:-O Is/was the preamp defective!? I can repair it without any charge if that is the case, please let me know.
At this particular moment as we speak i'm planting parts on 20 boards for the preamp MK1 V2 so basically 20 units should be available shortly.
@DieterASchmitz i could sent you a test unit if you like but it would take some time
@f_luxus you know you are right ... is like i'm cursed with a mind of an engineer and some tantrums of an artist :| trying every day to pull it out but in the end i do deliver a good quality project (but i'm working to improve myself)


Ich hätte einen abzugeben. Habe ihn schon Monate nicht mehr in Gebrauch. Allerdings kam eben beim kurzen Anchecken kein brauchbares Signal raus, weswegen ich ihn nur an Bastler als defekt abgeben würde.:-/
you know you are right ... is like i'm cursed with a mind of an engineer and some tantrums of an artist :| trying every day to pull it out but in the end i do deliver a good quality project (but i'm working to improve myself)

I love you anyway :D And you are right, the Dex Pre has soul and that is very rare.
To build electronic that is extraordinary, the engineer must be artist in a way.

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