Sammelbestellung Dexter's Preamp (Alembic F2B Clone)

So the PCBs are here - the first 5 pieces for the first 5 units
Ok so we have the preorder list from November '18

1. goldbass
2. PA-Trick
3. touchdown
4. anbra
5. claudio
6. Bassbernd99
7. OliB.
8. danielthieme
9. SVK
10. bassscherbe
11. Clemens
12. Flaschbier
13. stephan (13... a good number)
14. aBaxxi
15. Tanner

So the PCBs are here - the first 5 pieces for the first 5 units

When I remember correctly, @Bassbernd99 and @touchdown tapped out.....
.... I am #5 on the preorder list :juhuu:

@DeXTeR when do you need the money and do you already know how we handle the shipping?

Hi @DeXTeR :

Could you please take me on the List, too?

As said on Dec 2018:

When I remember correctly, @Bassbernd99 and @touchdown tapped out.....
.... I am #5 on the preorder list :juhuu:

Sry, you're right!

I just updated that list...
@Clemens @Bassbernd99 @bassscherbe @touchdown @stephan @Tanner didn't want the new Preamp anymore and @clumsybass @bassdscho @StonerGreg are new on the Preorder list....

So this should be the actual list :

1. goldbass
2. PA-Trick
3. anbra
4. claudio
5. OliB.
6. danielthieme
7. SVK
8. Flaschbier
9. aBaxxi
11. Sir Adrian Fish
12. Kasho

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
OliB. thank you a lot for the updated list.
What i can promise you for sure is the fact that NO unit will be sold outside this forum as long as the list is not finished.
So what i can tell you for sure is the fact that all 16 people that are on the list will be the first in the whole wide world who will get the preamp and nobody else and that is a promise.
@OliB. - what i can tell you for sure is that all the shipping to west europe will be handled my the DHL express - it will cost a little bit more, but i hope i can get it to Germany and Austria in 3 to 5 days.
No money involved at this moment as those first 5 units will be supported by me, so do not worry about that.

Good morning guys,
I would like to ask a favor from you if is possible - not for every one of you but for those who can or do have a little time.
Could you please record ... 30 seconds to 1 min of sample with the MK1 preamp? When is possible and only if is not too much trouble.
Thank you in advance.

sample with the MK1 preamp

There you go.
It's a pretty ordinary passive 4-string P-Bass (Tokai Hardpuncher), tone only slightly rolled off;
into a Focusrite ScarlettSolo interface.

The first few bars are without the preamp;
Then with the dex, tonestack close to flat (0, full, 0) with just the bass boosted to about 10 o'clock and the mids a bit back to 3-4 o'clock.


  • PAtrick-DexPreamp_demo.mp3
    518,4 KB · Aufrufe: 260
PA-Trick thank you a million times!

There you go.
It's a pretty ordinary passive 4-string P-Bass (Tokai Hardpuncher), tone only slightly rolled off;
into a Focusrite ScarlettSolo interface.

The first few bars are without the preamp;
Then with the dex, tonestack close to flat (0, full, 0) with just the bass boosted to about 10 o'clock and the mids a bit back to 3-4 o'clock.

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