Sammelbestellung Dexter's Preamp (Alembic F2B Clone)

Ok time for a small sneak and peek
The features for the new preamp will be as follows:
- a boost stage made with my linear booster flat from 10Hz to 22KHz that would allow you to overdrive the tube if you like in a much harder manner
- 1 or 2 band parametric EQ (i will have to see how is the real-estate)
- balanced output
- unbalanced output
And of course all the features from the preamp V1 MK2 (pads, deep switch, bright switch etc)

And this is how is going to look :-)

Würde mich bei dem Test gern beteiligen, wohne quasi um die Ecke.

ich hätte sonst auch noch einen. also zum leihen in nrw (oder auch außerhalb) und nicht zum verkauf.
den will ich erst mal noch modden, komme da aber bisher nicht zu und das dürfte sich in den nächsten monden wohl auch kaum ändern ... :-(
kurz: wer testen möchte, darf sich (wenn stephan und oli die geräte unter sich aufgeteilt haben :D) auch bei mir melden.

mk ii looks nice, too.
am excited ...


Hi Dexter!
A word from the 'Broken Windows Theory' dude!
Love your preamp!
Will upload a pic. from my setup.
Would love the next version even more, when it's possible to be on the list as well...
The new version would make my BassIQ redundant (less is more).
Don't wanna be a pain in the (b)ass but plz a 2 band para eq would be awesome.
What about a True Bypass as someone else mentioned before?
Does volume affect balanced out?
Thnx and cheers!
Mo (Terz?) the 3rd[/QUOTE]
One more question: will the DI be transformer-based?
No, it will not be transformer based, it will have a dedicated driver

How is the actual delivery situation?
Better than the last time?
Not good, but i'm already in the process of trying to sign a contract with ATLASSIB which is a private courier company and it will improve, in the mean time 3 units are lost and 2 returned thank God.

Ein sehr spannendes Projekt, das neugierig macht... und anfixt;-)
Hast du da mal einen Link zur Webseite? Ich wühle mich zwar gerade durch die zahlreichen Seiten, muss den aber wohl überlesen haben, wenn er denn schon gepostet wurde.
My website is:
Thank you and a picture would be awesome!
Yes, i will try to stick a 2 band para in it (in the end i could use another enclosure anyway :-) )
The bypass will not be available, because as i said in a previous post... you will have a balanced output ... now having an instrument input with a balanced output would be useless and all in all is a preamp which is supposed to be always ... on, is not an effect.

Hi Dexter!
A word from the 'Broken Windows Theory' dude!
Love your preamp!
Will upload a pic. from my setup.
Would love the next version even more, when it's possible to be on the list as well...
The new version would make my BassIQ redundant (less is more).
Don't wanna be a pain in the (b)ass but plz a 2 band para eq would be awesome.
What about a True Bypass as someone else mentioned before?
Does volume affect balanced out?
Thnx and cheers!
Mo (Terz?) the 3rd
Ok i've spoke with my wife (she is also a part of this developing action that we are having - don't like to call it business because it sounds so corporate) and we will take all the preorders. But, all will be delivered in the order of the list as soon as i will finish the prototype will be sent to Felix for testing and that particular unit will remain his (No.002) and then i will order the rest of the PCBs and start to build them.

1. goldbass
2. PA-Trick
3. touchdown
4. anbra
5. claudio
6. Bassbernd99
7. OliB.
8. danielthieme
9. SVK
10. bassscherbe
11. Clemens
12. Flaschbier

So Flaschbier i've added you on the list.
Not good, but i'm already in the process of trying to sign a contract with ATLASSIB which is a private courier company and it will improve, in the mean time 3 units are lost and 2 returned thank God.
I'm thinking about doing a road trip to Bukarest in my vacations in the summer. Gas would cost round about 200€ 2 ways. What would be more expensive, the courier or that? The thing is that my grandparents came from Timisoara and i always wanted to see the place they grew up. That would be probably the safest solution :-)

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