If I understand you correctly, do you think both basses have no Volkarbon neck?!
I am not a professional, but in my opinion both basses have a Volkarbon neck.

Only the second one has a full carbon neck, as far as I could see. The one from ebay-Kleinanzeigen has 90-10 wood/carbon neck
Moin zusammen,

schaut mal hier.
Mit Messing-Griffbrett ist ja mal richtig selten.
Würde ich sehr gerne mal anspielen.:-)
Könnte auch Delta-Metal sein wie bei meinem '93er Arpège III :great:. Wenn man das mit der passenden Matsche poliert (laut Patrice Vigier mit MusicNomad-Beckenreiniger), spiegelt das richtiggehend :mmmh:.
Falls Du hier in der rheinischen Region wohnen solltest, ließe sich Anspielen gerne mal machen.

@mk1967 : klasse Beschreibung!
Einen Passion fretless habe ich, allerdings kein Metall- Griffbrett.
Bei Gelegenheit komme ich gerne auf dein Angebot zurück, die Entfernung ist nicht groß.

Was mich bei dem angebotenen Bass interessiert: wie klingt der Excess?
Was hat es mit der Rauschunterdrückung auf sich?

Bezüglich Komfort kann ich mir keine Verbesserung gegenüber den Arpége/ Passion vorstellen.
Die ist in meinen Augen nahezu perfekt.
There is brass below the fingerboard on my fretless arpeg.

Arpege neck.jpeg

Have they got the numerals back to front, never heard of a Passion VI.

I own a Vigier Passion 6-string in blue and a Arpege Custom 24 frets in burgundy red (+ two five string Passion), as mentioned earlier. Fantastic basses, produced between ~1993 to ~2000, serial no's count from 1 to under 30 (for each series, Passion VI and Arpege VI). Pricewise they seem to have doubled over the last years.

update: "(for each series, Passion VI and Arpege VI)"- pls read this as "6-string" Series III
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Are you sure? I thought Passions are at IV, not VI. Otherwise I missed two relaunches.
Edith: I think @kodiakblair refers to the series, not the number of strings
Are you sure? I thought Passions are at IV, not VI. Otherwise I missed two relaunches.
Edith: I think @kodiakblair refers to the series, not the number of strings
Ok, thought he'd refer stringwise...

All 6-strings ever made are Series III also the one advertised. This one is identical with mine, definitely Series III, build in the nineties.
I asked the shop for the serial no. for I then can identify the day when it's been made.

To my knowledge Series IV indeed is the latest. However there seems to be some confusion:

I also own a 2001 Passion 5-string which has different bridge than series III (i. e. mono rail) and a moderate electronics update (yet still parametric).
Some friends identified this one to be Series IV, but I would count it as an III-update version. It sounds a little different compared to the former III Series.

The later "official" Series IV is completely different in electronics, pick ups, has bold on instead of neck thru, has a modified body shape and after all unfortunately has more weight. Available as 4 and 5-string. I had one, but gave it back since I prefer the series III over the IV.

Since the Series IV also has gone thru some minor modifications (mono rail replaced by solid block bridge, new colors) some shops offered the modified Series as "Series V" in the past... but the main build still is Series IV. Bassdirect offers both version aside as "IV".
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