über so etwas denke ich auch schon geraume zeit nach... ich hab nur nie ne ahnung, wie man so einen sound bastelt. bei mir hört sich das alles zu sehr nach bass an. und selbst wenn ich ahnung hätte, hätte ich kein geld dafür. da bräuchte man ja noch mindestens einen gitarrenamp...
oder ich fahr das thema anders herum: mit der gitte in den bassamp.
egal, das thema ist noch lange nicht spruchreif.
Via Bi-Amping.
The bass signal is passed through an octave pedal (two in the live set up). They use a Electro Harmonix POG Octave Divider - a 'micro' version of which is now available and does the same job. It's set up one octave.
This spits out two signals.
One passes through eq and overdrive and then into a guitar amp.
The other passes through the bass stuff and into the bass amp.
By putting kill switches or routing pedals, eq and harmonising pedals in there they can tweak the sound and kill the bass or 'fake' guitar when needed. I believe they might use a second guitar amp to really fatten things up and give a full band sound.
The simplest version is using a POG micro divider set up an octave, a bass and guitar amp, and a bass tuner pedal as a way to kill the bass signal and make it 'guitar' only. Turn up the gain on the guitar amp and bass amp till they are nice and gritty and you have a nice full guitar and bass sound.
Royal Blood use a short scale basses (Fender Starcaster and Gretsch Electromatic of some kind) which do help with the guitar tone and feel but it works fine with a P-Bass.
Here's what their pedal board looks like.
2x Electro Harmonic POGs (octave and splitting)
2x Boss PS6s (harmoniser and pitch for 'chords')
Boss GE7 (graphic equaliser)
Boss TU3 (tuner)Boss LS (line selector for routing)Strymon Flint Tremelo & ReverbPalmer Triage (for controlling amps)
Zvex Mastotron (fuzz pedal)
Die machen das auf jeden Fall sehr gut.