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Ashdown Klystron 4x8” cabinet + ABM 500 EVO II amplifier


Zarin hat ein neues Inserat eingestellt:

Ashdown Klystron 4x8” cabinet + ABM 500 EVO II amplifier - Ashdown Klystron 4x8” cabinet + ABM 500 EVO II amplifier

Up for sale is an Ashdown Klystron 4x8 ”cabinet in mint condition (rare!) With an ABM 500 EVO II amplifier.

The so-called mini stack sounds very mature and gives a very nice low and warm sound. With its 4x8'' speaker set up, the cabinet is hardly inferior to a 4x10" cabinet, while the weight and size is much more manageable. The cabinet is on wheels and has a Penn Elcom trolley mechanism at the back.

The ABM 500 EVO II amplifier sounds very warm with the 12AX7 tube in the preamp and can go...

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