Ampeg scrambler overdrive pedal saturation ?


New Member
I am having an issue on my new second hand Ampeg Scrambler.
I play it via a passive bass (Squire Vintage Modified '70 Jazz Bass, 4 strings EADG tune). Bad saturation (farting sound) when playing even with gain and blend at zero disregarding the volume setting in the pedal.

I tried the following as debugging:
replacing power supply,
both audio cables (bass->scranbler->amp),
I played it on my amp and speaker,
I played directly on my audio card and headphones

...I can reproduce the issue no matter what I do.

I brought it back to its owner and we tested it with his Fender Precision, no issues at all.
I brought it to a tech, his opinion: nothing wrong with the pedal, It must be me not liking it (or vice-versa) ....

Any idea where this issue might come??

Thanks for a reply,

Have you tried setting the internal jumper to the -15dB setting?
I feel the input stage is very sensitive and I had to reduce the gain for getting rid of nasty artefacts. I have some passive basses with high output …
Hi, vielen Dank für Deine Antwort!

Actually yes, yesterday night I tried with a battery (no difference) and finally moving the jumper to-15 dB. As a result, the output became much lower and the saturation was gone; on the other hand, I could not get any sensible overdriven / distorted output from the pedal. The overall output level , even with volume cranked all way up, was lower than with the effect off.

I will see with my other active bass how it goes.
Fingers crossed!

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