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(Verkaufe) Ground FX Grayskull (Lifepedal clone with upgrades!) Verkauft


Bassdude hat ein neues Inserat eingestellt:

Ground FX Grayskull (Lifepedal clone with upgrades!) - Ground FX Grayskull (Lifepedal clone with upgrades!)

The Grayskull is based on the idea of the "Life Pedal" that was released by EQD in 2019.

A great pedal but a couple of things were missing resp. not optimal for endless doom/drone sounds.

The Grayskull is based on the classic rat circuit. An additional gain stage is following and surrounded by an active clean blend.

Apart from the dirt section, the Grayskull features a digital and blendable suboctave (polyphone) that can be activated by a second footswitch.

You can also use the octave...

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