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(Verkaufe) Fodera M2000 preamp


Well-Known Member
norwood hat ein neues Inserat eingestellt:

Fodera M2000 preamp - Fodera M2000 preamp

For sale here is one of the best preamps in the bass world, the Fodera/Mike Pope preamp, but in pedal format!
Extremely musical and easy to dial in your sound, this pedal is a must have for a recording/gigging bass player. It features a separate mid selector switch, which can be used like a solo boost, really pushing your sound forward in the mix.
I don’t have the power supply, I only use with battery 18V
No box

Weitere Informationen zu diesem Inserat ...
Hi norwood, I am interestad in that preamp if it works perfect?! Unfortunately I am retired and therefore financially a bit limited. Nevertheless I can offer the 200 Euros, if you take the shipping to Austria.
What do you think?

All the best, Andi

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