Bassdude hat ein neues Inserat eingestellt:
FS/FT: Manne Guitars Custom 5-string (lined) Fretless bass - FS/FT: Manne Guitars Custom 5-string (lined) Fretless bass
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FS/FT: Manne Guitars Custom 5-string (lined) Fretless bass - FS/FT: Manne Guitars Custom 5-string (lined) Fretless bass
*Trade options:
My main bass is a 5'string PJ bass, so I would like to trade this for a 5-string
Lined fretless that has more in common with my fretted bass (length/body shape 22 fretlines,..).
I'm also not good enough of a fretless player to justify such a high level fretless bass (current models sell for >4k), so I would prefer a downtrade with a Sire V5 fretless or the likes.
Other trade options are: Envelope filters, Genzler 4 on the floor, pre-amp pedals and synth pedals. W.h.y.g.?...
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