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Symeon Czepczor

Fender Precision Bass 1966

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Symeon Czepczor

Active Member
Symeon Czepczor hat ein neues Inserat eingestellt:

Fender Precision Bass 1966 - Fender Precision Bass 1966

I decided to sell my pb 66'.
Full original, with OHSC.
Playability is like Custom Shop. I put bass to the best luthier in Poland. New frets and grind of the fingerboard is done. Sound is perfect and manually is heaven :-)
Bass is located in Poland, Gliwice so feel free to come and try. Shipping is also possible.
I can consider some exchanges but mostly I want to sell.
Price: 8900 (negotiable)

Anhang anzeigen 593570

Weitere Informationen zu diesem Inserat ...
Beautiful instrument.
If you seriously want to sell this bass, you might want to add some more pictures, especially closeup pics of the parts that are crutial for dating and proof of authenticity:

- electronics/solder joints, poti dates
- pickup windings and bottom bobbins (date stamp)
- neck heel (date stamp)
- body routings: neck pocket, pickup and electronics
- underside of pickguard
- underside of neck plate and matching part of the body
- front and back of headstock
- hardware

This will greatly elevate your odds of actually selling the bass.

Best regards,
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