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please check the conditions of your credit card company on how payment with your credit card actually works. if its a prepaid card the money is most likely simply reserved for the shop, so you know there is a transaction in progress, and you dont buy other stuff in the meantime, exceeding your limit... that does not mean musicstore actually has your money, its only reserved for them and if they cancel your order, the money will show up on your card again...
The problem here îs not If they get The money or not. Tge problem îs that they askbfor more money after i make the payment. Îs not my problem If they not have am good cartpayment software for heavy or big dimension not normal to pay 20 and them to be asked to pay other 40 . In other way how will pay the extra money becouse You pay for order.
Also îs not first time when i have problem with this company. First time they deliver my order after 1.5 mounth , evan the item i buy apears green that means in stock when buy. When ask they dont give me any reason for delay delivery, i mean not give me any answare or explanation .
Also îs not first time when i have problem with this company. First time they deliver my order after 1.5 mounth , evan the item i buy apears green that means in stock when buy. When ask they dont give me any reason for delay delivery, i mean not give me any answare or explanation .
Did the store ship one and a half months later or was it due to the parcel service?
The picture you‘re drawing about MS does in no way correspond to the experiences I’ve made with this company in recent years. Obviously, it’s an individual problem with your order. I think it‘s good that even an employee of MS (I suppose) answers to your post to clarify things. What else is this about?
I have to say, Musicstore is absolutely right.

To confirm a Contract both sides have to agree. So when you buy something online in the most cases you will get an email to confirm . In your case they didn’t confirm it, they told you that the shipping would be more expensive. Until the Confirmation of your order there is no contract, so you don’t have any claim for the price.

and you paid nothing till now. That’s a wrong information from your credit card, it should say it is reserved. My credit card does it this way.

i understand that you are angry, but the shop did nothing wrong.

sorry for bad Englisch
So ,i wish You to have only this kind of order with this shop.
I'm sorry that you had such a bad experience with the store. Everything has gone smoothly for me there so far.
I can understand why you're upset, but on the other hand, you don't have to buy there if you've had bad service.

I have to say, Musicstore is absolutely right.

To confirm a Contract both sides have to agree. So when you buy something online in the most cases you will get an email to confirm . In your case they didn’t confirm it, they told you that the shipping would be more expensive. Until the Confirmation of your order there is no contract, so you don’t have any claim for the price.

and you paid nothing till now. That’s a wrong information from your credit card, it should say it is reserved. My credit card does it this way.

i understand that you are angry, but the shop did nothing wrong.

sorry for bad Englisch
I get The email confirmation after i make the payment. But after few hours they send me an email asking for more money for shiping
For my last Order I got 3 Emails.

1. They confirm that they have RECIEVED your Order, so you can check if everything is ok.

2. A few hours later, they confirm your order, so they tell you everything is ok for them.
NOW you have a Contract. In your case they didn’t confirm it, because they have to raise the price.

3. They confirm the shipping.
I get The email confirmation after i make the payment. But after few hours they send me an email asking for more money for shiping

That´s exactly what they state on their website. They contacted you regarding the shipping costs.

And then you can say "yes, I want to order this" or "no, thanks!" and if you don´t order, they will free the reserve from your credit card.
For my last Order I got 3 Emails.

1. They confirm that they have RECIEVED your Order, so you can check if everything is ok.

2. A few hours later, they confirm your order, so they tell you everything is ok for them.
NOW you have a Contract. In your case they didn’t confirm it, because they have to raise the price.

3. They confirm the shipping.
Your are wrong. Fact îs like that: i put item in The cart, i confirm that want to buy and get an email about my order, i make payment with credit card and get an email confirmation of order that show i pay The item with card, also get an email from card procesor that show i make the payment. After few hours i get an email from MusicStote asking me to pay more for shiping If i want to get The cases Și befor they ask for more money i get an order confirmation . Also how to asking me If i want The item If i already pay for them ???
They ask for more money after i pay and get order confirmation and confirmation of payment from card procesor company. All stepa of buying and confirmation was made befor they asking for more money
Your are wrong. Fact îs like that: i put item in The cart, i confirm that want to buy and get an email about my order, i make payment with credit card and get an email confirmation of order that show i pay The item with card, also get an email from card procesor that show i make the payment. After few hours i get an email from MusicStote asking me to pay more for shiping If i want to get The cases Și befor they ask for more money i get an order confirmation . Also how to asking me If i want The item If i already pay for them ???
They ask for more money after i pay and get order confirmation and confirmation of payment from card procesor company. All stepa of buying and confirmation was made befor they asking for more money
probably they get not many orders from Romania.....thats what I think
My god, drink a f**king beer and calm down already. I don't understand why you are making such a big fuzz out of this. Maybe there is something wrong with their ordering process or maybe card processing companies in eastern europe work differently. One way or the other, it's inappropriate to just act furious like you do. This is not a place to throw shit. Not towards a member nor towards a thrid party. You are welcomed to discuss a problem here. But your "I am right and they are wrong" attitude does not help the situation.
Your are wrong. Fact îs like that: i put item in The cart, i confirm that want to buy and get an email about my order, i make payment with credit card and get an email confirmation of order that show i pay The item with card, also get an email from card procesor that show i make the payment. After few hours i get an email from MusicStote asking me to pay more for shiping If i want to get The cases Și befor they ask for more money i get an order confirmation . Also how to asking me If i want The item If i already pay for them ???
They ask for more money after i pay and get order confirmation and confirmation of payment from card procesor company. All stepa of buying and confirmation was made befor they asking for more money

Like I said before, they confirm that they receive your Order and describe that you payment is ok with that first email.

and like everybody here said Before, the payment wasn’t done, it only was reserved. For you it is the same, it seems like the money is gone, but in fact it isn’t.

My Mails from Musicstore:

This one says absolutely nothing!


This one says explicitly that there is a contract. Without this mail, they are right.

but it don’t seems like you won’t to hear facts...
Sorry, but I don‘t see MS in the wrong here. Also, my experience with that store has been flawless (and I‘m not getting anything for writing that).
Bassic is the wrong place to start a "rant". You have answers from users and MusicStore that clarify this CORRECT behavior. All of this is based on your wrong understanding of the procedure, which is:

Dear Ionel,

contrary to your claim, you have not paid the order yet. Actually, what you have done is place the order, upon which the amount has been merely reserved. As anbra has correctly guessed, ordering three bass cases is indeed bulky, so normal shipping costs don't cover it any more. That's why we have contacted you before confirming your order. Please stick to the facts, before slandering anyone.

Best regards

Sorry, to disappoint you, but no, it's not. It's still a reservation, since we have not withdrawn the payment. When you place an order, the amount is blocked on your credit card to ensure payment. Once the order is processed, only then the reservation is actually withdrawn, that's a payment.
To cut things short: the reservation has been lifted and your order cancelled.

Also, for your own sake: please don't post screenshots of your credit card transactions online, it's for your safety.

I close the thread now to avoid further damage ... but give everybody a chance to read my answer.

In case Music Store request to have this deleted I will do so. However it could also serve as an example to not believe "rants" and preferable check with the service provider for a solution and common understanding.

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