Bass Encyclopedia


New Member
I'm working on an encyclopedia of bassmakers featuring short descriptions of (electric) bassmakers of all times. So far I've gathered almost 2000 brands but I need some more info on a couple of lesser known makers. Who can help me out?
Does anyone have info about or pictures of:
AJB (austria)
Bassmaster (britain)
Besenman (germany)
CaB (germany)
Condorelli (italy)
Custom (japanese copy's 80s - I once had two of 'm but have no pictures)
Elk (japan)
Finch (brazil)
Grazioso (italy)
Guitar Clinic (Cimerman?)
Londers (us)
Nigar (Slovakia)
Petrek (frankfurt)

And is there someone who can tell me more about the early history of Hohner guitars, and about W.Kist?

If you have a lesser known custom bass - let me know about it, I'd like to make this encyclopedia as complete as possible...
der hat sich schon mal angemeldet, ein paar haben geschrieben und man hat nie wieder was von ihm gehört, keine ahnung, was dahinter steckt, ist mir aber etwas suspekt..
Well, I think I'm doing the right thing....I posted before and had two replies (Oli-Wan's Arco and Loewenherz) - posted a similar question on Harmony Central and had much more response. Just trying to learn more about some lesser known brands...not trying to sell my gear like Werner.
Thank you Oli Wan, you sure deserved those gold stars.

I've been working on this quite hard for over a year, and I hope to finish it before this Christmas. Having seen so many basses, or read about them and sometimes held them, some do stick out.
Like the Staccato out of magnesium made by Pat Townshend and Chris Jagger (backed by Mick & Bill of the Rolling Stones) that started out as a Yamaha USA research project. I think Favino's ABG is something special though traditional. And I totally love the french Jacobacci basses, especially their first Ohio model. These basses and their makers are a story to tell and write down...

Thanks for the info on Conus and Kist!
Dear one-to-thirteen stringer,
it will be a book, to be published early next year. The first print will be in dutch and is financed by a little advertising. This edition will be laced with some interviews with dutch and belgian bassplayers and luthiers. When this works out we'll step up to an international edition with more (color) pictures etc. If the project fails I'll make it into a website. Oh, with 'we' I mean my former student Peter who actually came up with the idea after seeing Vintage Guitar's Price Guide. He's doing all the contacts, preparing interviews etc. while I'm given the task to research the encyclopedia. I thought it would take some 4 months, 1000 brands. But it keeps getting bigger...

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