I don't see a problem here, do you?
Stupid question. Obviously it seems the asking price is something that is bothering you a lot quite frankly.
If you had a problem with that, you easily could elegantly send a private message to the seller and discuss his price privately istead of going "internet troll/bass police" like and reacting with laughing smileys to his adds. Kindergarden and really a "place of fairness"!
The seller can set an utopic price like he wants - he could also go up for 20k, not my cup of tea.
Exactly. Not YOUR cup of tea. (and eventually not your price range neither)
Maybe you don't know about used bass prices, list prices, market regulation of supply and demand otherwise you would know that the prices you named are absolutely irrelevant for used basses which are not that much asked for. The Alembic "stock speculation" and how they are in the end sold are a different pair of shoes. Well, I owned Alembics and also sold some
Not going "Tarzan like" here, but i have owned around 150 mostly boutique basses over 20 years, so i would assume i have some experience with bass market prices. Not here to decide.
I am not sure about your nonsense about market regulation, supply and demand thing you are talking about : this is not a stock or crpto market. Every company has the right to set their prices as high they want.
Alembic is no exception. You don't pay only for the product here, but the whole philosophy behind and a lifetime of their dedication. It is not a brand you want to compare to Mayones, Spector, Korean Dingwalls, USA or Mexican Fenders, you name it. All these basses are losing the price and will continue losing it. They are "verbrauchsmaterial". Alembic (and the other top tier boutiqe brands) is not just an instrument but a piece of art.
It's as stupid as comparing KIA, Hyundai, Mazda, Skoda and others to Bugatti. What a nonsense. I can't even belive i am discussing this

He is asking less than a third of a price you would pay for it ordering directly from Alembic (excluding leds, custom options, VAT, etc etc)
Don't want to be rude and want to address this constructively. Pre-Corona times are gone. You won't ever find Boutique basses for the 2018 prices anymore ever again. 4k-ish foderas, 3k-ish smiths, 3k-ish Alembics second hand... dream on.
(maybe just having luck finding someone selling one not having a clue)
Not to mention the inflation here.
And last but not least... I know the history of this particular bass very well, and i will repeat myself... This man bought it from a relevant bass store in Holland for less than he is offering the bass for.
Yet - nobody is laughing on the over the top pricing this store has on most of their basses constantly... (selling 80s Alembic series 1 for 15k currently).
And speaking about the fairness... I don't understand what is unfair here?
Is the seller trying to rip off someone? Or you maybe missed a good time for buying it yourself... Or the bass is just out of your budget?
Who knows - i think if this is as you say a place of fairness, you could ask a seller about the price privately and not spamming all his adds with a laughing smileys.
My two cents.