
  1. FooVines

    Grosses Preamp-Shootout. Erfahrungsbericht.

    Liebe Tieftöner, ich werde hier in den nächste Tagen und Wochen meine Erfahrungen niederschreiben, die ich letztes Jahr bei einem grossen privaten Vergleichstest von Preamp Pedalen gemacht habe. Um möglichst wenig Pakete hin und her zu schicken habe ich tatsächlich alle Geräte, die grob in Frage...
  2. jake

    Delano SBC quadcoil preamp recommendation?

    Couple of years ago I replaced Bartolinis with Delano SBC quadcoil. Bass is Marleaux Consat 5 with mahogany body/maple top/maple neck/ebony fingerboard. Programmable preamp. I am looking for opinions and experiences about different onboard preamps matched with those pickups. Of course, on...
  3. jake

    Delano SBC quadcoil preamp recommendation?

    Couple of years ago I replaced Bartolinis with Delano SBC quadcoil. Bass is Marleaux Consat 5 with mahogany body/maple top/maple neck/ebony fingerboard. Programmable preamp. I am looking for opinions and experiences about different onboard preamps matched with those pickups. Of course, on...
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