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    Weber Mywatt 200 Leistungstransformator unknown make and specification

    So... I got the big one from Tube Town ( It works. I rewired the heating for 6,3VAC. The good thing is that apart from that, there is no need to mod the bias circuit. I needed to cut a bit of the wood support for...
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    Weber Mywatt 200 Leistungstransformator unknown make and specification

    Thanks for that. Yes the mods are definiely possible. As for DC heating, Reeves did without it. I´ve never felt the need to use it on other builds (Even on fire breathing lead channels). The 50 VAC would give enough (-70vdc thereabout). The R400 might indede be the one I have (It´s potted so I...
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    Weber Mywatt 200 Leistungstransformator unknown make and specification

    Well, seems like I´ve had the same problem here in Munich. The toroidal transfo is shorted. During rehearsal 2 weeks ago 1 of the 5amps fuses blew (the 3 amp of the HV is fine). After some investigations, I've taken out the transfo and when I connect it unloaded to the mains via a lightbulb in...
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